Friday, March 25, 2011

Google Pay Per Click PPC Management

Google Adwords is a powerful tool to increase traffic to your website and generate new leads for your business. However, many companies get so caught up in the possibilities that they never focus on the minor details which can cost a lot in wasted ad revenue.

Google is a VERY efficient money spending machine. Their Adwords software was designed to maximize spending for their benefit, which is a great business plan - for them. There are quite a few small tricks and tactics available to Adwords users, that often are left in default mode. This can cost you more money in wasted clicks and even more in opportunity losses.

Here is a tip to ensure your campaign is running at full efficiency.

#1 Google Ad Words Tip - Time Segmenting (Day Parting)
Google allows each campaign group to be run at specific times throughout the week. This is especially helpful if you are only open M-F 9am to 6pm. Running ads at 2am would do you no good!


  1. Click on your campaign to open the campaign details
  3. Scroll down to the Scheduling and Serving section - here you the ability to turn this feature on and off. Once you turn it on - make sure to click on the Save Changes link.
  4. You may need to return to step 2 - but this time from the Scheduling and Service section you will click Edit Time and Bids - Click OK to navigate to the next page.
  5. Ad Scheduling - From here you can control each day and 30 minute block to consolidate your ad serving.
  6. Once you have chosen the best times for your needs - click Save Changes - that's it!
Why is this helpful!? Well - you have effectively taken your daily budget and consolidated it into a tighter window - this will allow you to be most competitive during those hours.

To learn more or to bring a professional Adwords management company on board monthly or just one-time to tune-up your Google Ad Words campaign, contact NFY Interactive, Inc. today.

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